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About us

our pastor:
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Pastor Chuck Salvo

About our pastors


Chuck & Kristie Salvo have been in ministry since 1991. Pastor Chuck began as a Youth Pastor and then incorporated his musical ability into being a worship leader. He & Kristie began traveling extensively in 1996 preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thousands of lives have been changed through his drama productions, which he used on the road as well as incorporating them into the church. On Fire is a church still known for chuck salvo productions. Chuck & Kristie founded On Fire Christian Church in 2001 with the sole purpose of allowing God to use them to lead the hungry into a deeper relationship with God. In 2003 they began Valiant Christian Academy of Louisville where they are able to offer great academics as well as a spiritual atmosphere.


Chuck is not only a minister of the gospel but also a writer and published author. Check out the media page to see some of his work.


Chuck and Kristie have been married for over 31 years. Their three children, Gianna, Micah and Elissa, are part of FIREWRSHP, OFCC's worship team.

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about our church


On Fire Christian Church in Louisville is a ministry dedicated to awakening a generation. Our priorities are God’s presence and His purpose for our lives. Through our church services, school and television broadcast, OFCC engages thousands of people each month with the transforming power of the gospel and encourages the rebuilding of the broken down walls of biblical truth. 

The mission of On Fire Christian Church is three-fold: awaken, equip, and send. We exist to awaken a generation, equip them for their purpose, and send them to change the world.


Do you want to know Jesus?


Why am I here? Who am I? What will happen when I die?


These questions have intrigued people throughout the ages. The answers can be discovered by understanding God's plan of salvation and by getting to know Jesus Christ.


Who Is Jesus? What Did He Do?


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into the world as a human being, lived a sinless life, died on the cross and rose from the dead to save humanity from dying in their sins. Christ died to pay for our sins, your sins can be forgiven. And because He conquered death, you can have eternal life — you can know for sure what will happen to you after you die. But this gift of forgiveness and eternal life cannot be yours unless you first...


  • Ask forgiveness.

  • Believe in the gift of salvation.

  • Pray to confess your sin.

  • Receive Christ into your life.


That's it! If you decided to make this decision today, the next thing to do is get plugged in with your local church! If you live in the Louisville area, we would LOVE for you to join us at any of our services or prayer meetings. If not, look for a church that preaches truth and lines up with your spirit and the Biblical truths of God. 


Our Beliefs

We believe in one God. He lives on forever in three persons, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.


We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to the Earth and lived a holy and pure life. He then was crucified on a tree as a complete and pure sacrifice for our sins. Three days later he was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven where he resides until he will return for His people.


We believe the Holy Spirit resides inside of all who have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. We believe in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


We believe that all sixty-six books of the Bible contain no error and are completely inspired by God. It contains all instructions of faith and Christianity.


We believe in living pure and holy lives unto God. Not participating in worldly sins but willingly offering ourselves as a living sacrifice unto God. We come before Him with clean hands and a pure heart.

Our Church
Get to Know Jesus
Our Beliefs

Youth Pastors

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Crystal & Adalid Feliu

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Crystal & Adalid have been the pastors of our youth, Generation Fire, for many years already. They bring something exciting and fun to our youth. With monthly events planned, you are bound to make some awesome friendships.

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