we would love to meet you!
You are not disqualified!

Do you ever feel like you can't be forgiven? Like you can't do anything right? We are here to tell you that your past does not define you! You are called by God, which means you are qualified to live the life He has called you to. If you struggle with guilt because of your past, remember that God's Word says "There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."
We are a community of people who all have pasts, all have struggles, all come from different backgrounds yet have one thing in common, our relationship with Jesus Christ. He is our sole purpose for living and in Him we are able to grow into the people He has called us to be!

The Power of Jesus!
We believe that Jesus will meet you where you're at and tangibly touch you! He wants you to experience Him in power.

God is for Gen Z
We have youth nights every Sunday night and monthly youth events to keep our 13-19 year olds plugged in with other teens and to help their relationship with God flourish through a growing community of people their age.

Getting Plugged In
We are grateful for our volunteers! We have many areas of the ministry available to get involved with, like Camera, King's Kids, Holy Grounds Cafe, Welcome Team, etc. Check out the "Join Our Team" page for more info.

We are a church who loves worship! FIREWRSHP is a team that is dedicated to seeing the face of God and seeing chains broken off the bound through the power of praise!

We are a family. We are bound through the Love of Christ and we are ready to welcome you. Are you ready for what God wants to do in your life? Check out our livestream at chucksalvo.tv. Or click here to plan your church visit with us and receive your free gift.

He is Near to the Broken
Have you been feeling like you are at the end of your rope? Like everything you do is wrong and God is no where to be seen, heard or felt? This is your reminder that He is close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). He will not leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). He is waiting for you to step into what He has for you, all He needs is your "yes."